MegaGen Implant
MegaGen Implant21 hours ago

"골 폭이 좁은 케이스"에서
어려운 골 이식 후에도 성공하지 못했다면?

📝수술기간 단축, 성공적인 임플란트 식립 실전 가이드!
📝전치부, 구치부 증례별 접근법을 상세히 소개합니다!

👉연 자 : 윤정훈 원장(꿈을심는치과)
👉일 정 :
- [용인] 6.26(수) / [평택] 8.28(수) / [안산] 10.16(수)
- [시간]19:00 ~ 22:00
👉신 청 :
👉비 용 : 5만원
👉문 의 : 세미나팀 02-6003-2040

MegaGen Implant
MegaGen Implant21 hours ago
메가젠임플란트, AI 구강스캐너 ‘R2i3’ 출시 임박..보철전용스캐너 넘어 상담솔루션도 제시
MegaGen Implant
MegaGen Implant1 week ago
How do you deal with a TYPE A socket? 🦷
With MegaGen, you can make immediate molar placement predictable!

a TYPE A socket, characterized by adequate septal bone, allows for the complete containment of the coronal portion of the implant within the bone circumference.

This socket type is considered optimal for immediate implant placement, particularly in extraction sites with intact buccal bone walls and a stable socket.

With MegaGen, you can rely on our wide thread options, facilitating excellent engagement with the remaining natural bone while minimizing bone destruction and streamlining the drilling protocol. Let MegaGen be your ultimate solution!🏛️

Simply comment “DM” to receive a solution-based PDF guide in your inbox! 📬 (Courtesy of @dr.kolovos_dimitris )
MegaGen Implant
MegaGen Implant1 week ago
메가젠임플란트, K임플란트 미래 주인공 양성..‘메가스쿨 2기’ 수강생 모집!
MegaGen Implant
MegaGen Implant2 weeks ago
Immediate Molars Predictable?
With MegaGen, YES!!

Many dentists face difficulty in achieving initial implant stability, especially in Type C sockets due to the presence of a wide extraction socket.

Let MegaGen be your ultimate solution 🙌🙌
Wide thread options help the fixture engage well with the remaining natural bone with minimal bone destruction and a reduced drilling protocol.

Comment “DM” to receive a solution-based PDF guide in your inbox! 📬
(Courtesy of @justomartinezbalaguer)

#WideThread #AnyRidge #BlueDiamond #Molar #MolarSocket #ABC #Immediate_Loading #Immediate_Placement #MegaGen #megagenimplant
MegaGen Implant
MegaGen Implant2 weeks ago
메가젠임플란트, 방한세미나로 ‘K-임플란트’ 위상 강화!